Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset
Posted: February 11, 2020
In our martial arts practice, one of the main areas of focus for our members of all ages is self-development and mindset.
Definition of “Mindset”
The dictionary defines the term mindset as “the established set of attitudes held by someone”.
We often hear “change your mindset, change your life”, and although this sounds easy enough, most people struggle to react to adversity and often fall into patterns of acceptance of their current situation, often thinking they do not have what it takes or the time to learn something new to break the pattern.
The good news is that these self-limiting beliefs are exactly that, beliefs!
By developing confidence and life skills in our children curriculum, we aim to program our kids martial arts students to see obstacles as an opportunity for growth.
The same can be said for our adult martial arts and fitness classes: When members achieve fitness goals that not long before seemed unreachable, the belief that other self limiting beliefs can be shattered increases, and the sky can seem like the limit.
We define this desire to grow and create change in our lives as a Growth Mindset.

Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset
According to researcher Carol Dweck, there are two types of mindset: a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. In a fixed mindset, people accept their talents and intelligence as fixed traits that cannot be change.
An example statement of this type of mindset would be “I have no musical ability, it’s just not one of my talents”.
Often we see parents projecting their fixed mindset on their children abilities, which is preposterous, with statements like “My child is not particularly athletic”. There are many cases of professional athletes who as children did not show promise, but through hard work and effort were able to become the best in their class!
People with a fixed mindset believe that talent leads to success, and that talent means not requring effort.
The opposite is true of people with a growth mindset: They experience an underlying set of beliefs that their learning and intelligence is something that grows with experience and time. They see the path to success as the sum of their efforts and because of this they will put in the extra time resulting in higher levels of achievement.

Developing Good Habits
Our mind is very powerful, and when we tell ourselves that we are not good at something or don’t have what it takes, it can become very challenging to instill good habits to help us develop new skills to prove to us the contrary.